Presentation Methods
LGBT Conference 2025
Oral presentation
The presentation times for oral sessions are as follows: contributed presentations are 15 minutes. Please note: You must provide your presentation for preloading. Please submit your presentation (in English, copy-edited and proofread) via email to info[@], no longer than 10 business days before the events starts. If for any reason, you are unable to submit your presentation in advance of the Conference, then you can preload your presentation to a laptop via registration desk area when you arrive at the Conference, you must preload this at least two hours before you are due to present.
Poster presentation
Each Poster will be displayed at the Conference for the specific time. Posters should be one page PDF or Image to be shown in Webinar. All Posters will be uploaded on the Conference Website before the conference for all the participants to download or go through it.
Virtual presentation
The conference program for Virtual presentations will be emailed to participants one week before the conference. Virtual presentations will be delivered via an online electronic forum (Zoom). Virtual session attendees will receive the Zoom invitation link a few days before the Conference. Joining the Zoom session is easy and takes just a few seconds. Simply click the link in the invitation, you will proceed to your session immediately. Just remember to register first if you wish to attend as a Virtual presenter.