Second Round

Conference History

Virtual Session

Highlighted Speakers

Name Affiliation Article Title
Dr. Tien Ly Quyet Eastern International University, Vietnam 14 years of Vietnamese Queer Movies
Dr. Maksym Kasianczuk Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine Dynamics of societal attitudes toward LGBT in Ukraine: do revolutions matter?
Prof Dr. Candice Roberts St. John’s University, USA Queer Labor and The Civic Imagination: Examining Drag Race as a Transmedia, Global Franchise
Kirti Singh Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India Navigating Heteronormativity in Higher Education in India
Shahanur Islam JusticeMakers Bangladesh in France (JMBF), France Violence against LGBTQI+ Individuals in Bangladesh: A Critical Examination through Online News Media Analysis (Year 2022)
Mwesigwa Joseph Power Minds Youth Organisation, Uganda Rights to Sexuality and Reproductive Health for Young People in Uganda
Rounik Raj Aryal Kathmandu District Court Bar Association, Pacific Law Associates, Nepal Nepal’s Milestone: Same-Sex Marriage Equality in South Asia
Yetunde Oni Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA Increasing Awareness and Empowering LGBT Movements through Digital Activism
Kaori Arita DBA Candidate, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland Comparatives of perceptions about LGBT policies in work Environment Between LGBTQ people and non-LGBTQ people

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